We are thrilled to announce the release of the BCPSOPE Mobile App. It is available for download from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Seach for “BCPSOPE”. You may also visit an information page on the BCPSOPE website that contains the link to download, the user guide and a tech support link.
This mobile app is being implemented to facilitate swift and seamless communication between the BCPSOPE Executive Board and our members and to also promptly collect feedback from surveys. It is a communication channel for you to improve decision making and provide feedback quickly to BCPS Leadership.
• Occasional surveys will be sent through the app to gather feedback on current issues.
• Push notifications ensure timely delivery of communications.
• Links to essential documents such as the Master Agreement, BCPS District Calendar, and current Salary Scales are available within the app.
• Intended to centralize important information for members in one accessible location.
Membership Requirement
• The mobile app is a service and benefit exclusively available to paying members.
• To access the app features, individuals can become a paying member by completing the application.