Would you like to reduce the BCPSOPE dues and keep our current membership benefits? BCPSOPE is introducing a one-time incentive for increasing membership and lowering our dues. Dues paying members currently pay $13.75 per pay for 20 pays per year. The lowest dues of any Bargaining Unit for BCPS. For the period August 12 – September 3, if OPE members can enroll an additional 10 or more new members, the dues will reduce for all members to
10 new members: $13.25 per pay for all dues paying members
20 new members: $12.75 per pay for all dues paying members
Usually all it takes is a question: Are you a member of OPE? If not, look at the website and look at the benefits of membership:
–> Members negotiated the bonus and COLA increases and language changes to support our members.
–> All Executive Board members are volunteers. They work for you.
Can you ask a fellow employee? Would you like to support OPE? Ask TODAY!