Master Agreement
BCPSOPE members UNANIMOUSLY approved the Tentative Agreements which go into effect July 1, 2016. The Tentative Agreements are posted on the website and the Master Agreement document will be updated to include these items in the near future. A huge shout-out goes to our Negotiating Team and Dan Capozzi for negotiating our salary increase and other Master Agreement articles.
Executive Board
Nominations were received for Executive Board positions as outlined in the BCPSOPE Bylaws. There were no multiple nominations for any of the positions. Therefore we are excited to announce the following members as official BCPSOPE Executive Board members! Their term of office begins on July 1, 2016. Congratulations and our appreciation go out to:
President – Nick Argyros
Vice President – Lisa Murphy
Treasurer – Kristin Miles
Secretary – Carol Yingling
Member at Large / Technical Support – Becky Schene
Member at Large / Sick Bank Committee – Gail Peterson
Member at Large – Elizabeth Becker
Member at Large – Ann Kramer